June 29, 2022

Defining Your Own Reality

You have a choice: adopt an external reality framework or develop your own.

Defining Your Own Reality

We live in a world filled with competing narratives vying for our attention and allegiance. It's easy to align ourselves with external labels and belief systems. We take on religious affiliations, political ideologies, diagnoses, and cultural identifiers. “I’m a Christian,” “I’m a liberal,” “I have anxiety,” we proclaim.

In doing so, we cede control of our personal realities to externally designed frameworks. These structures provide order and community but also limit our individual perspectives. By accepting the worldviews of others at face value, we constrain our realities to fit generalized molds.

The truth is that we each inhabit a unique subjective reality generated by our minds. The mind takes in sense data, filters it through our neural wiring, personal histories, and memories, and projects a constructed reality.

This means we can intentionally shape our perceived realities, including our conception of physics, consciousness, and the supernatural. The notion of God across faiths attempts to grasp this essence of awareness – the ability to experience our surroundings.

For some, God is an external, conscious force that animates us. For others, God is the self, the seat of consciousness within. Both interpretations describe the same transcendent sentience, viewed through different cultural lenses. Their chosen beliefs reflect their equally valid subjective realities.

Our individual realities arise from the ideas we absorb and the idiosyncrasies of our neurobiology. To become fully realized beings, we must define our own frameworks, rather than inherit the preconceived structures of others.

When we adopt outside belief systems, we surrender two crucial aspects of self:

  1. Individuality. By taking on extensive external dogmas, we subsume our distinctive viewpoints within larger homogenized worldviews.
  2. Agency. We relinquish our power to consciously design our realities, ceding that authority to external forces.

To construct your own unique reality, you must be intentional with your inputs and consumption. Carefully curate the media, conversations, people, and content you expose yourself to.

Through practices like meditation, psychedelics, and neuro-feedback, you can rewire neural pathways and open new realms of perception.

As you cultivate your independently formulated values and principles, you gain the ability to manifest your chosen vision. You become the god of your subjective realm.

On a neurological level, this process entails programming your Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS filters your awareness, allowing certain perceptions to register consciously while dismissing others.

By intentionally directing your focus and mental imagery, you calibrate your RAS to manifest desired realities. You determine what your brain pays attention to, thereby shaping your subjective experience.

In our media-saturated world, it takes resolve to avoid absorbing and internalizing ambient narratives. But by being deliberate about the inputs you consume and the beliefs you accept, you can unlock profound levels of realization and fulfillment.

You can live as your highest, most authentic self, unconstrained by the limiting structures of mass consensus reality. Your subjective realm awaits your willful cultivation. How will you define your reality?