
$100T of wealth is being passed from one generation to the next.

Family office investors need entrepreneurial talent and support systems they can trust.

Founders need resources, peers, and mentors optimized for their entrepreneurial journeys.

SVRN's mission is to curate a community for today's founders and investors, delivering fulfilling social experiences and productive business collaborations, all stemming from an intentional focus on authentic relationships.

Core thesis

We believe that collaboration and investment are necessary for growth, and the result of trust.

As the world grows increasingly digital, authentic relationships become the scarce asset.

We must understand that relationships are the foundation of our experience as human beings and the driver of our individual and collective success.

It's clear that communities are shaping the future of social life, education, entrepreneurship, and investment.

SVRN is here to define that future.

An intentional approach

The venture space is fragmented and transactional, yet we all know that trust is the key to successful business.

We believe that an environment where founders, VCs, family offices, and angels connect authentically through intentionally curated social experiences can drive better collaboration and investment activity.

Relationship-first business opens the doors to new strategies, timelines, financing options, resources, and mission-alignment between founders and investors.

When founders and investors start with authentic relationships, business becomes easy and everyone wins.


the future of SVRN

SVRN is an ecosystem built for founders and investors to enjoy curated social experiences and unique professional access.

Our social club establishes community and brand, laying the foundation for the development of festivals, tech, fashion, film, e-learning, and investment vehicles.

Each of these elements will be joint ventures in collaboration with our members.

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A core pillar of fulfillment is authenticity. We want members and friends who are true to themselves, share their ideas, and are aligned in what they think and what they project.



In friendships and partnerships, trust is a key ingredient. Being empathetic, caring about other's outcomes, and doing what you say you're going to do are important for building a trusted network.



Authenticity and integrity lead to collaboration. When we lead with value, we receive so much more. By seeking win-win-wins, we can create great outcomes for founders, investors, and customers.